Evidently, no industry has been as affected by Covid-19 as the hospitality industry—particularly the event planning sector. With social distancing in force in every corner of the globe, it is hard to imagine getting back to our former ways of doing things including in-person events. There is, however, light at the end of this dark tunnel: The pent-up desire by both organizers and participants in taking part in face-to-face meetings in person—and not just on Zoom.

So, let us now picture our post-Covid events. What could they look like and what trends can we expect to see influencing those events? Here is a list of important forces that will likely impact meetings and events for a few years to come: 

Health & Safety

Covid-19 has resulted in hyperawareness about hygiene and health. While the theories of how Coronavirus got started abound, one fact remains undisputed. Personal safety and health have come to the forefront of every aspect of our lives. This gives rise to an opportunity for meeting organizers to shift focus from buffet-style meal setups to individual servings.  It will also create a demand by participants for improved nutrition-rich food and beverage in the interest of enhanced immunity. This will also increasingly hold true for inclusion of [added] fitness sessions or breaks at conferences and events.  

Adaptive Practices

Post-Covid events will likely be characterized by adaptive practices to reflect the planners’ flexibility and openness to new ways of rolling out events. Social media coverage of events will continue to influence the nature of post-Covid events.  Sensitivity to the changed interests of the meeting participants will continue to result in positive feedback on social media, which is every planner’s desired goal.  This may best manifest itself in the registration process for larger events.  Dividing an event’s general registration into categories will allow planners to accommodate interests of the larger audience by segmenting the event into smaller and more hand-on settings—which will likely help with the budgeting process too. 

Engaging Technology

Even before Covid-19, there was a great deal of pressure on event planners to augment their meetings with content that embraced engaging technology.  Cookie-cutter meeting formats of the past will be giving way to those that involve interactive sessions and processes that take advantage of emerging technologies. An individualized/custom approach will be increasingly more popular.  Participants will have pent-up craving for opportunities for personalized learning instead of unimaginative formats with mass appeal. With the penetration of the vast variety of digital devices and applications—some of which were developed in response to the current social isolation environment—it will be easier for meeting organizers to customize their events to keep a wider range of participants—with varied interests—engaged.  Breakout sessions provide unique opportunities for further customization of a meeting’s general theme and application of emerging technologies.  

These are but a few of important trends to look for as western economies begin to open and meetings and events will likely show up on calendars of planners and prospective participants alike. It’s only natural to expect many more trends that will shape future meetings in the near future until such time as we can safely return to our “old” ways—iof ever. The success of near-term events will most likely depend on the planners’ flexibility to incorporate elements that provide novel ideas and an enhanced sense of personal safety for all concerned.

As you begin to imagine your post-Covid events and meetings, reach out to our professionals with deep sense of commitment to your and your participants’ wellbeing.
